Did you know this about our Domain names?
Each and every domain name comes with all you need to get online.
Domain Forwarding and Masking: Direct any domain name you own to your website. Anyone who types that domain name into their browser is taken directly to your website.
Domain Locking: Domain locking prevents accidental or intentional transfers of domain ownership and stops anyone from redirecting your nameservers.
Total DNS Control: Manage your domain nameserver (DNS) records and set your email, FTP, sub-domains and website location all from one control panel.
Change of Registration: Assign your domain name to someone else or change the contacts for your domain online anytime.
Status Alerts: Monitor the status of your domain and get instant alerts if there’s been a change.
Auto Renew Protection: No need to watch expiration dates to make sure you renew on time! Auto renew keeps your domains, hosting, website builders, and other products in your name and under your control.